Salon Maritim - Hair and Beauty Studio



All prices upon request.

Relaxing massage

With its smooth and gliding strokes this massage works perfectly to softly descharge the body and mind from everyday stresses and release tense muscles. This massage is the most common type of massage and suits everybody who wants to de-stress and relax. It canĀ“t be compared to therapeutic or medical massage.


The aim of Physiotherapy is to restore proper functioning to the body and relieve or, at best, eliminate pain. Through different techniques and methods self-healing powers of the body are reactivated. Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of physical therapy to relieve swelling and pain. After treatment, you can get sore muscles, but it disappears after a short time.


Massagebed at Salon Maritim on Gran Canaria
Enjoy relaxing massage at Salon Maritim on Gran Canaria
Massage at Salon Maritim on Gran Canaria